Tuesday, April 24, 2012

B1 Centauro

The Centauro is an Italian armored fighting vehicle.  It's like a light, wheeled tank.  It's in the tradition of "tank killers" that goes back to WWII. 

It was made for heavy firepower, medium armor and eight wheels to get it wherever it needs to go. It's for off roadin'!  These things are slick and fast. In Iraq I saw some and they gave off the impression of predatory sharks.  The Italians driving these things all wore peacock feathers on their helmets.  They're Italians so even if they're at war they make sure they're dressed their best  
How fast?  This thing can go about 70mph which is faster than my car and can go 500 miles without refueling.  Again, better than my car. 
It packs a computerized fire and controlled, gyro stabilized 105mm gun.  Compare that to the U.S.'s Stryker.  (hint, the centauro wins)  What all that fancy techno babble means is that his baby can fire on the move the way our M1Abrahms tank can.

The armor can take heavy machine gun hits, but unless you add the modular additional armor, it won't take anything stronger than that.  The modular armor would increase its life expectancy though. 
And of course its NBC capable, protected against Nuclear, Biological and Chemical attacks.
There's a variant that's a Infantry Fighting Vehicle version.
 And there's a version that kicks even more butt.  If 105mm just isn't big enough for you, try the upgraded 120mm!
The Centauros have seen combat in Bosnia and in the Iraq War. Also, the U.S. purchased a few for research into our own Stryker program.  We kept the eight wheels and sleek look but we forgot to add fire power and coolness.  Oops.

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